The 30th International Conference of the Polymer Processing Society


Don’t miss your chance to hear from Moldex3D at PPS-30. Our experts will be giving a lecture on Metal Injection Molding and displaying a black-line prediction poster at this year’s show. Professional will be available to answer questions and provide insight into the use of simulation software to optimize the manufacturing process. The show promises to maintain a good balance of programs to serve the attendees from academia and industry.


PPS-30 attendees will receive updates on conventional processing technologies and should be ready to embrace the discoveries of new materials and emerging nano- and micro-scale processes in the areas of flexible electronics, soft materials for implants, aerogels, and additive manufacturing. The conference focuses on 17 technical topics and will host 6 plenary speakers, two award lectures, two honorary sessions, two memorial sessions, and 56 keynote lectures.


Poster Exhibition


  • When: Tuesday, Monday, June 9, 2014, 9:30-10:10 AM
  • Where: Exhibit Hall
  • Topic: Effect of Powder Size and Bulk Concentration on Powder-Binder Phase Separation for Metal Injection Molding Simulations (Group I: S04: Modeling and Simulation)
  • Author: Dr. Tseng Huan-Chang


Oral Presentation


  • When: Wednesday, June 11, 2014
  • Where: Gold Room
  • Topic: Long Fiber breakage simulations for injection molded fiber-reinforced thermoplastics: Processing from screw to part.
  • Presenter: Dr. Huan- Chang Tseng

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