Molding Innovation Days 2015: Novosibirsk, Russia

  • Date:May 20, 2015
  • Location: Novosibirsk, Russia

Molding Innovation Days 2015: Novosibirsk, Russia-
Usage of Moldex3D for plastics injection molding troubleshooting


Following our great success of the first in the history Moldex3D Molding Innovation Day in Russia, Csoft – our local partner, would like to invite you to attend the second Molding Innovation Day Russia 2015 in Novosibirsk.




Time Topic Speaker
9.30-10.00 Registration  
10.00–10.10 Greetings from the organizers  
10.10-11.00 Part design assessment for thermoplastics injection molding Igor Barvinsky, CSoft
11.05-12.00 The cracking of injection molded parts Igor Barvinsky, CSoft
12.00-13.00 Lunch  
13.00-15.00 Thermoplastics injection molding troubleshooting using Moldex3D Igor Barvinsky, CSoft
15.05-16.00 Injection molding of thermoplastic elastomers Igor Barvinsky, CSoft
16.00-17.00 Consultations on plastic injection molding troubleshooting Igor Barvinsky, CSoft




The event will take place in the 254/1, ul. Bolshaya, Novosibirskprodmash (NPM Group), Novosibirsk.







To register for this event please fill in the below form or contact directly Mr. Igor Barvinsky.
We are waiting for you, so make sure not to miss this opportunity!





Igor Barvinsky
Tel. + 7 495 913 22 22 ext. 261
Mob. +7 916 216 91 01






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