Moldex3D Webinar Series for Russian Speaking Audience!

  • Location: Online

Dr. Igor Barvinsky is a well known injection molding and computer aided engineering specialist in Russia. Together with Moldex3D he is bringing this unique webinar series; to the Russian speaking audience. The series will include the:



October 7. 2014.
Webinar. Overview of Moldex3D eDesign.
Russian Version:



October 21. 2014.
Webinar. Modeling for Moldex3D eDesign simulation (Designer eDesign mode).
Russian Version:



November 11. 2014.
Webinar. Prediction of short shot and other molded part problems in filling analysis (Moldex3D Flow).
Russian Version:



November 25. 2014.
Webinar. Prediction of sink marks and other molded part problems in packing analysis (Moldex3D Pack).
Russian Version:



Conference language: Russian

Don’t miss this rare occasion! The registration is free!






Registration closed.

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