Moldex3D Flow Analysis Software – Technical Differences, New Advances and Future Developments

Thursday, November 15, 2012, 12:00pm-12:30pm CT

Cost: Free of Charge


Moldex3D Plastic Flow Analysis Software offers true 3D solid element technology coupled with ease of use and a process that is quick “CAD to Analysis to Results”. The Plastic Flow analysis software industry is continually changing and many technologies on the market suggest true 3D flow but do not deliver. For over 30 years, Moldex3D has focused less on advertising and more on investing in its core quality solver and technical advances.


In this webinar, Richard Carobus, EPS FloTek, will guide participants through the technical differences between Moldex3D and other software products, including base code, element type used, true 3D vs. pseudo 3D, quality of results and ease of use. Participants will also:

  • Discover the history of the Moldex3D technology and its development over the years
  • View full features of the Moldex3D eDesign and explore modules available and purchase options, including off- and on-site cloud computing for total flexibility
  • Experience a live demonstration showing CAD model to analysis, including full 3D perfect quality, high-resolution mesh, runner, cooling lines, mold base and process setup (evaluation software will be given upon request).


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 About the Presenter

Richard J. Carobus
President and Founder of Engineered Product Services, Inc. and EPS FloTekRick brings significant engineering management experience to his company with over 23 years of experience in the plastics engineering field. Prior to starting his own company, Richard and other partners started a company which designed, developed and marketed consumer sporting goods products. After a successful launch of the initial Acrylic golf club product, Richard sold his shares to the other partners, returning his focus on plastics engineering. The core vision and focus of EPS FloTek is to expand to fill the role of the best Distributor, Product Support and Engineering Center for Moldex3D Software products, developed by CoreTech Systems Co. Ltd. In addition to focusing on software sales and support, his company continues to provide engineering consulting services, utilizing Moldex3D Software. The goal of EPS FloTek is to provide his customers and software users with the tools and resources to develop higher quality plastic products at a lower cost, in a shorter period of time, accomplished by offering both Moldex3D Engineering Software as well as the consulting services to help the customer better understand and eventually utilize Moldex3D Software Products themselves.





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