Moldex3D eDesign Training Workshop

  • Date:Sep 25, 2015 - Sep 26, 2015
  • Location: Gurgaon, India

Want to learn how to utilize CAE simulation technologies to solve design and manufacturing challenges? Moldex3D experts and our partner Digital Design Solutions are going to hold a 2-day workshop to raise your simulation skills and knowledge to the next level!


Our experts will introduce and demonstrate how to utilize Moldex3D eDesign to solve real-world challenges of injection molding. Attendees will also have a chance to experience a hands-on workshop. After this event, you will be equipped with useful CAE simulation skills to optimize product quality! Register Now >>


1. For hands on training, the delegate’s part injection volume should not exceed 100cc.
2. Delegates should bring their own laptop for the hands-on training.
3. The laptop’s hardware requirement should be minimum with 4 GB ram, 64bit .
4. Machine ID for the delegates laptop will be extracted on first day, and the corresponding Moldex3D license will be provided on the second day for hands-on training.





Sep 25

Time Topic
09.30-10.00 Registration for training
10.00-10.15 Introduction on Moldex3D
10.15-10.30 Application of Moldex3D
10.30-11.00 Preparing inputs for simulation
11.00-12.00 Preprocessing and simulation challenges
14.00-17.00 Post processing and result interpretation


Sep 26

Time Topic
09.30-10.00 Hands-on Moldex3D installation
10.00-14.00 Hands-on training with delegate’s own part
14.00-16.00 Review on training
16.00-17.00 Certification on training




Digital Design Solutions
Plot No. 7, Behind Kareem’s Restaurant, Opp. HUDA Nursery, Near Atul Kataria Chowk, Delhi-Gurgaon Road, Gurgaon – 122001, India




+91- 124- 4263055-57
+91- 124- 4263056






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