2013 Molding Innovation Day in Portugal

  • Date:May 23, 2013
  • Location: NERLEI, Leiria, Portugal

Date Time Location
23-05-2013 9:30 – 17:30 NERLEI – Leiria – Portugal (near Leiria stadium)
N 39º 45’ 00’’ W 8º 48’ 44’’


Moldex3D Molding Innovation Day in Portugal will be held on 23 May, 2013 at Leiria, Portugal. The meeting is designed to help Moldex3D users to get the most out of Moldex3D R12, the latest release with extensive enhancements and new capabilities of CAE simulation technology. Attendees will gain valuable insights from the presenter of the development company, CoreTech System Co., Ltd., and other industry experts specialized in hot runner and cooling systems. We highly encourage users to submit their papers on their use of CAE simulation technology to foster discussion and idea exchange.


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