Material Data Matters
Unlock the secrets of your materials with our premium characterization services. Whether you’re in industry, research, or academia, we’ve got you covered. Accelerate your production development with the accurate material data and simulation-driven design!
Ready to take your material research to new heights? Reach out to our friendly team of experts to discuss your project requirements, obtain a detailed quote, or inquire about further details. We’re here to support your scientific journey every step of the way. Fill out the contact form now!
ISO17025 Certification and State-of-the-Art Instruments
Our material characterization lab holds the prestigious ISO17025 certification, ensuring that our processes, equipment, and expertise meet the highest standards of accuracy and reliability. With us, you can trust in the quality of the results.
In addition, our lab has invested in state-of-the-art instruments that play a crucial role in increasing the accuracy of rheological data by providing advanced measurement capabilities and precise control over test parameters. Our commitment to technological excellence ensures that you receive the highest quality data for your research and development.

Picture 1: ISO17025 Certificate and Material Characterization Lab
Flexible and Customized Characterization Package, and Speedy Turnaround Time
Our team of material experts and skilled lab technicians employ a wide range of advanced analytical techniques to provide you with in-depth material characterizations for your injection molding simulation, ranging from basic rheological properties, PVT, thermal properties to mechanical properties, to advanced material properties such as crystallinity and viscoelasticity. We understand the importance of material properties on CAE quality and leave no stone unturned in understanding the properties of your materials. We understand that every project is unique. That’s why we offer tailor-made solutions to meet your specific requirements.
Whether you need a rapid turnaround time or specialized characterization, our technical team will work closely with you to design a characterization package that aligns perfectly with your goals.
Improving Material Data with Digital Twin Approach
Our lab has pioneered a digital twin approach to consider shear heating effect taken place during the viscosity measurements. To accurately determine the true viscosity of a fluid, it is essential to correct for the temperature rise caused by shear heating. This correction is particularly important for non-Newtonian fluids, where the viscosity can vary significantly with shear rate.

Picture 2: Concept of Shear Heating Correction via Material Digital Approach

Picture 3: Improvement in Pressure Simulation Prediction with Shear Heating Corrected Material Data
Material Data Optimization and Molding Validation
In the Moldex3D Molding Research Center, we have an injection molding machine equipped with a high-precision mold and multiple temperature and pressure sensors inside the cavity. Molding validation aids in validating the material behavior and properties used in the simulation. Material properties, such as viscosity, thermal conductivity, and shrinkage, can be verified by comparing the simulation predictions with the physical measurements taken from the molded parts. This validation ensures that the material properties used in the simulation accurately represent the actual material behavior.