Moldex3D eDesign Hands-on Training is on the Road in Pune, India

on 08/26/2009

With the industrial trends and expectations on design / engineering are becoming more stringent; young mechanical engineers are facing unique challenges while designing 3D plastic parts using CAE (Computer Assisted Engineering). Better performance and competitiveness are always forced up on front end design team. In India especially, every company is ensuring, CAD users shall have the opportunity to explore and experience various techniques offered by leading technology developers such as CoreTech using Moldex3D/eDesign on high performance 3D capabilities on molding process simulation. Also the powerful parallel computing technology, hands-on training courses are scheduled in various Indian business houses and regions from 2009.


M/s Hoyt Engineering, acting as a Moldex3D/eDesign VAR in India has developed eight unique training programs which are structured for engineering professionals in the field of Mechanical engineering. During the previous training programs majority of the participants offered their willingness to participate in strategic trainings if simulation techniques are included. Therefore, Hoyt Engineering decided to use Moldex3D for a unique training program on “Automotive Part Design – Theory and Practice.”


Recently, two such trainings were conducted by the HOYT Engineering training staff. Participants were young professional engineers from local automotive industries and mechanical engineering students who were interested in getting trained on techniques for better competitiveness in product design. The response is very positive on effectiveness of such software, ease of operations, ease of teaching the process variables etc.


3D CAE solutions are more and more popular nowadays – and industrial interest and demands in this field are also increasing. CoreTech and HOYT would keep arranging Moldex3D hands-on training and other customized courses in Pune region. Next training courses are planned for Q4. To know more about the SYNERGY of Moldex3D high performance 3D capabilities and Complete Parallel Computing, please feel free to contact HOYT ( or CoreTech ( for more details. We sincerely look for the interaction with you soon!


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